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INCON International Limited is a multi-specialisation company focused on sovereign infrastructure projects and industrial turnkey solutions. Founded in 2001 in Australia, the company expanded its operations to China, the Middle East and Africa, clenching key projects in the energy, construction, marine and other vital sectors. A strong commitment to industry standards and timely delivery has made INCON International Limited a trusted and reliable name wherever it operates.

INCON International Limited promotes international collaboration and social development. The core value that drives INCON International Limited is sustainable social and economic development in a green environment, in all the regions where it operates. The company has long recognised the need and potential for developing infrastructure projects in the Middle East and Africa. Accordingly, it has built a market knowledge based on continuous research and experience as well as insight into the local cultures. These combined factors have long served INCON International Limited in better serving the developmental needs of the two regions.

INCON International Limited  also  seeks  to  attract investment  in  development projects in areas that lack finance, especially in Africa.

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